Friday 12 September 2014

The Liebster Award

Thanks to Emily Burk I have been nominated for the Liebster Award. I am so excited to be able to share about myself a little more with all of you.
But most of all I would just like to give honour to where honour is due. Thanks God! None of this would have been possible in my own strength.
Emily's Questions are:
1 | Describe yourself in two words.
Just crazy :)
2 | What are three things on your bucket list?
To travel the world! I want to see everything.
To see God move in this crazy messed up world.
Get married and live happily ever after?
3 | What is your most embarrassing moment?
Okay, so there was this guy that went to my school, he also went to my church. I did not know his name at the time, I just knew his face from when I saw him around school and youth.
This one night I was helping pack down from one of the youth events, I was carrying a table or something to the place it belonged. My friend was with me at the time. when we were in the privacy of the kitchen, and I thought no one was listening, I asked my friend if she knew the name of the guy that I had seen around all the time. She had no clue. So I began to tell her the reason for my asking. Just at that moment he walked in behimd me. To him it would have been just two girls talking about stuff, but it scared me so much because I had not expected it to be the person we were talking about.
So I had to go and do the most ridiculous thing, I squealed, like a pig.
He laughed.
I laughed, tried to explain myself, only diggle myself into a deeper hole.
My friend just stood there rather shocked as I waled over to the door, trying to leave. Just as I turn to exit the room, I realise that there is a eight or nine stack of milk crates by the door, and before it is too late I walk right into them. and they all come crashing over my head. Some thankfully caught by the door.
So I laughed and ran away.
But all turned out well in the end, we are now good friends.
I still don't know if he remembers or not though.
4 | If you could be any book, movie or TV show character, who would be?
I would probably be the Doctors companion. Or John Watson.
5 | What colour do you most like wearing?
6 | What meal do you most often order when you eat out?
Butter chicken
7 | What cleanser and moisturiser do you use every day?
I use Clearisil Cleansing Wash
8 | What book are you currently reading?
I just finished reading I Am Number Four, again. And I am thinking about starting Divergence.
9 | What would you most want to achieve if you knew you could achieve it without failing?
Going to the moon! Is that not everyone's dream?
10 | Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
To be honest, I would have to say that Zoella really sparked my desire to actually get up and do something, but I have always been really into writing and journaling everything. So I would root the whole thing back to year eight English, when my teacher saw something in me and decided to push me a little harder. Thanks Mr Champ!
I would like to nominate:
Good Luck Guys!! Love you all <3
My Questions are:
  1. If you could go anywhere, where you go? Be creative!
  2. There is a puppy in the window?
  3. If you had a million dollars?
  4. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  5. What kind of things would you decorate your house with?
  6. Where have you been so far?
  7. What are the three main goal you have for your life?
  8. Tell us a story! Make one up.
  9. Most proud moment?
  10. Who inspires you to do what you do?

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