Monday 13 October 2014

I Never Really Left You!

I'm still alive!

Just could not find the time in the last few weeks to write anything, and I got thinking, what do I actually do with all my spare time?

So recently I have been reading Divergent, and I must say it is really good, defs
a must read for the holidays.
But other than that I have been on holidays and not really doing much with my life.

Have you ever had days where you know it would do you good to just sit down and write a post, just to let go of the world and think about something else for a while?
That has been me these few weeks, but I can never find the motivation and inspiration to do so. I always stare at the screen for a while and decide that I give it ten minutes and come back later.
But of course I never do.

I just want to let all of you who are in the same boat as me know that it is no big deal if you have no motivation to write or film anything. Just let life take hold of you and you will soon find yourself being swept away in the inspiration you are looking for.

I find that when I am so worried about the quality of my posts or losing followers, and even what people thin of me, these things can greatly effect the actual want to write.

I have decided that I write because I love to write, not because I care what others have to say.
Anyone with me?
