Monday 22 September 2014

Time to Vent! Life Struggles


However, for the past couple f days/week I have been going through a lot of anxiety, not really bad that I cannot do anything, but bad enough to stop me from doing anything social. And I would classify writing this blog as a social thing, because in essence I am talking to you.


Anxiety is a funny thing, it creeps up on me all the time, and half of the time I do not even know what is causing it. I just feel like I have been dropped into that part of the horror movie when the girl is about to open the door. We all know what is going to happen, but sadly the girl has no clue. Until, BAM the monster comes flying out.

I always like to make a joke out of the things that I struggle with, but in reality they are not fun, and I do not have an easy time of it. And I am sure there are many of you who always try to make life the best, always trying to make everyone see the joy and laughter, but sometimes it is good to embrace our weaknesses. Because whether we like it or not, we all have them.


So here goes.


Anxiety is something I suffer with on a daily basis, but it does not control me, anymore. I used to suffer much worse from depression and panic attacks. All of this was a struggle that I could not have gotten out of without God.

However I also know that there are many people out there who suffer much worse and do not have anything or anyone to turn to. It would be easy for me to say just believe that Jesus can set you free from everything that you suffer from, but we all know that it's not that simple for most people.

For a long time I would never believe that God would want to heal me, I could not comprehend that he would actually want to. And I do know that for others it is more a matter of, if a God existed, would he heal me? That is a question I have seen many times, from my friends and from my family.


So today I want to talk about my experiences. (mainly for my own therapeutical help) When I have an anxiety attack I would usually be stumped on ways to get over it, I would normally just ride with it until it went away. Because anything that I do would increase the panic. I know it seems weird to most of you who don't suffer anxiety, but for some, especially me, I cannot handle anything familiar when I am in panic mode. So things like movies and music, or reading and writing are all out of the question. And to make it worse I have no idea why =.


But I do know that time is something that helps, just knowing that soon it will be over and that I don't have to panic forever is something that always calms me down.

So if you feel like you are going to be like this forever, just remember that time is on your side, and the anxiety won't stay forever. Take a breath.


Do something you don't normally do, like if you don’t normally take quick showers (like me) then aim for a three minuet shower.

Or if you're not an outdoors kind of person, then go for a walk.


I know this seems strange, but honestly it helps me.


After I have calmed down and I no longer feel like I am going to fall apart at the slightest bump, I will go to my room and put some music on. Around this time I normally feel the anxiety return, but I push through. I sit down and just vent either in a notebook, or on the computer. Talking to God about what happened really helps.


So there you go, it's not fool proof, and I am definitely no expert in the field, but this works for me. So if you're up for it, give it a go. And let me know how you went.

I'd be happy to talk some more with you lovely people.

So, I have just reached 100 followers, that means that there are 100 people who have consciously decided to follow me! That's crazy!

Thank you, you 100 people, you have really given me something special.


Monday 15 September 2014

A Walk In The Park

So yesterday I decided that I would go for a run, as I would normally do. Things were as they always are, until I reached the park.

So I would normally run to the park and take a stroll by the Torrens River, which at the moment is rather full. And that is exactly what happened yesterday, but when I got to the bridge I sat down and tried to catch my breath.
But this time it occurred to me that I can capture this moment, and unlike all the other runs to the park I had done in the past, I decided to pull out my camera (aka my phone). And for a little while I was capturing everything around me.


I just wanted to encourage you today, never let the moment get away from you, there will only ever be one of them, so do all you can to live in it.

Yesterday I realised that each moment, no matter how small or normal, is wonderful, and should be remembered.

If you are anything like me then you will constantly wonder what people did in their spare time long before we were born. I am always wondering what people and societies did for fun, how they went about their seeming normal and boring lives.

You see, things like a walk in the park, taking photos of brick walls and birds, might be something that people just don't do in the future, so even though it is normal and boring to me, it could be something fascinating to my children. Or even something to be remembered hundreds of years from now.

It seems crazy, to think that someone will look through history and be amazed by simply walking a dog, or green plants and brick walls. But when we look back at history, I know that I am fascinated by what they would call the simple things in life, like making pots and sewing pillows, because they are things we just don't do anymore.

Don’t ever take for granted the things God has given us, they might be normal and ordinary, but they are unique, and no other society in history lives the way we do now. There might be a load of horrible things going on around us, but when we take a step back and realise the crazy wonderful world we live in, life seems far more satisfying.

Here are some of the photos I took while wondering through the wilderness :)


 Theses two dogs who's names were Bernie and Nugget. They took a liking to me, it was sad watching be dragged away.

Gotta love the Australian parklands.

What are some things that you might take for granted in your everyday life?

Comment and let me know.



Friday 12 September 2014

The Liebster Award

Thanks to Emily Burk I have been nominated for the Liebster Award. I am so excited to be able to share about myself a little more with all of you.
But most of all I would just like to give honour to where honour is due. Thanks God! None of this would have been possible in my own strength.
Emily's Questions are:
1 | Describe yourself in two words.
Just crazy :)
2 | What are three things on your bucket list?
To travel the world! I want to see everything.
To see God move in this crazy messed up world.
Get married and live happily ever after?
3 | What is your most embarrassing moment?
Okay, so there was this guy that went to my school, he also went to my church. I did not know his name at the time, I just knew his face from when I saw him around school and youth.
This one night I was helping pack down from one of the youth events, I was carrying a table or something to the place it belonged. My friend was with me at the time. when we were in the privacy of the kitchen, and I thought no one was listening, I asked my friend if she knew the name of the guy that I had seen around all the time. She had no clue. So I began to tell her the reason for my asking. Just at that moment he walked in behimd me. To him it would have been just two girls talking about stuff, but it scared me so much because I had not expected it to be the person we were talking about.
So I had to go and do the most ridiculous thing, I squealed, like a pig.
He laughed.
I laughed, tried to explain myself, only diggle myself into a deeper hole.
My friend just stood there rather shocked as I waled over to the door, trying to leave. Just as I turn to exit the room, I realise that there is a eight or nine stack of milk crates by the door, and before it is too late I walk right into them. and they all come crashing over my head. Some thankfully caught by the door.
So I laughed and ran away.
But all turned out well in the end, we are now good friends.
I still don't know if he remembers or not though.
4 | If you could be any book, movie or TV show character, who would be?
I would probably be the Doctors companion. Or John Watson.
5 | What colour do you most like wearing?
6 | What meal do you most often order when you eat out?
Butter chicken
7 | What cleanser and moisturiser do you use every day?
I use Clearisil Cleansing Wash
8 | What book are you currently reading?
I just finished reading I Am Number Four, again. And I am thinking about starting Divergence.
9 | What would you most want to achieve if you knew you could achieve it without failing?
Going to the moon! Is that not everyone's dream?
10 | Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
To be honest, I would have to say that Zoella really sparked my desire to actually get up and do something, but I have always been really into writing and journaling everything. So I would root the whole thing back to year eight English, when my teacher saw something in me and decided to push me a little harder. Thanks Mr Champ!
I would like to nominate:
Good Luck Guys!! Love you all <3
My Questions are:
  1. If you could go anywhere, where you go? Be creative!
  2. There is a puppy in the window?
  3. If you had a million dollars?
  4. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  5. What kind of things would you decorate your house with?
  6. Where have you been so far?
  7. What are the three main goal you have for your life?
  8. Tell us a story! Make one up.
  9. Most proud moment?
  10. Who inspires you to do what you do?

Thursday 11 September 2014

Book Review: Three books and their movies

Am I the only person who will always read a book before I watch the movie? I guess I just like to know what happens before everyone else does. There are some that get it spot on, but there are some movies that just do it wrong. In today's blog I give just three of the books that I have read that have a movie along-side them. Some are good, some are great, and some tear hearts out. I will let you be the decider.

 (There are no spoilers, if you were worried.)


#1 The Fault in Our Stars

I read this book before I watched the movie (as I have will all the others, and as I will do for any future ones. :) ) And I would have to say that there would not be much to criticise about it. It has love and loss, it has humour and despair. To be honest, I cried so much that I had to put the book down several times. But that is no surprise to anyone who has also read the book.

If you are planning to read this book, either because you watched the movie or because you want to watch the movie; I would definitely set aside a few hours to just sit and read the entire thing. Trust me, having to wait will kill you. I read the book in one sitting, only venturing out into reality when I desperately needed to pee.

 Compared to the movie, I would say that it was done very well. There were not too many plot changes, and they kept with the character attributes for most if not all of the characters.

 I would rate the book a 8/10.
And the movie, equally 8/10, because I thought they followed it very well.


#2 Life of Pi
Now, this book would have to be one of my all-time favourite books, mainly because it is different. There are no love stories, there are no overly soapy dramas, and the nature of the writing is raw, which is something rare these days. I think I like this book so much because I am sick to death of unrealistic drama. You know, like soap operas, and teen magazines, if I am going to read or watch something I want to be able to relate to it or for it to be so out there that I can only imagine. All the try hard drama just annoys me (now I'm ranting, I blame you).

 As for the movie, I can honestly say that if I had not read the book I would have liked it a whole lot more. The thing that got me was how they left out some of the more outrageous plots, in order to make the story more believable. But it just took the fun out. And because I knew about it, I could not focus on what the movie was trying to portray.

I would recommend, if you are an avid reader, like myself, then read the book and don’t watch the movie. However if you enjoy movies and can't stand the sight of paper, then just watch the movie. Or do both and spend an hour yelling at a TV screen, "But what about the carnivorous island!!!"

(Okay I lied, just the one spoiler.)

 I give the book a 9/10
And the movie a 7/10, Only because I read the book first. :)


#3 I Am Number Four

 So, I think I have a massive bias for this book. In high school I did a book review and study on it, therefore I read the book three times, I basically know it backwards. And not to mention I have read it twice since then. (would you say I'm obsessed?)

I think you should probably know that I am pretty geeky, when I am not worrying about my hair and make-up, I have my face glued to a screen of Doctor who, or Sherlock. And in my spare time I dabble in the world of XBOX and PlayStation. So this Syfi themed book was the perfect reality escaper for me.

 (Time for the ranting) BUT, the movie broke my heart! If only you all could have seen my face when they did it, (those of you who have read and watched know what I am talking about) it goes against all plot lines and… just everything. Ill change the topic, it too must to bare. I need more time.

I think because I spent so much time engrossed by my own images of the characters, that when I saw the movie portrayed version, I freaked out a little.

But on a whole, the move was your average alien invasion style drama.

I would give the book a 9/10 (If you're looking for a non-bias rating, this is the wrong blog.)
The movie, a 6/10. You know why.

Thanks so must for investing your time into my post.
Hope you have all the adventures you desire, through the means for a good book!

Comment and let me know what you think of the books. Do you have any other Book and Movie reviews you would like to see?

All the best.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

My Family is so precious

(Sometimes it is good to rant on the simple things, shows we care.)
For a long time now I have been wanting to do something on family, and the time has finally come when I have the opportunity to do so.
My life story revolves around my family, they are the world to me, there is nothing in this universe that I would not do for them.
My mother is crazy, she drives me mental from time to time, but there is no one else that can do the things that she does. I am so very grateful for her, I can't begin to explain to you how much she means to me.
My brother, 16 this month!  WOW how time flies. I remember when we were running through the house throwing sand at each other until Mum told us off. When we would take all the cups and plates from the kitchen and put them in our bedroom, pretend that we had our own house.
My little sister, who is 14 now, growing up, learning everything the hard way, (don’t worry I did too). Trudging her way through high school, all the ups and downs of life.
My baby brother, 2 now. I am so blessed to have been put into his life. The little bundle of joy who shuffles his way around the house always looking for the next musical toy to play with.
 And then there's me. Where do I fit into this equation? From an outside perspective it all fits into place, each person with their own part to play. And sometimes it can feel like you are slowly being pushed out of the puzzle.
Let me shine some light on the situation. Yes, family is hard, they are wild and unpredictable, crazy and messy, and it might feel like you don’t belong. But all the same, they are all a puzzle, and each piece has to come together to make a whole. So no matter how far you feel from them, remember that God made each piece of the puzzle, with all their curves and dents, you are part of the bigger picture.
My family is me, and I am my family, each person that makes up that family is also a part of me.
I love that! I have a chance to be a part of something bigger than anything I could manage on my own. All the lives are different, separate, but without each one, none would be the way it is now.

Monday 8 September 2014

NAIL Time! In five easy steps

I know a lot of people who never paint their nails, either because they just don't like to or they bite them too often, or the most common, their work wont allow them. But for those of us with the luxury and patience to do it, I have outlined a quick and simple way of painting with style.

Things you will need:

  • Nail file
  • Buffer (Not compulsory)
  • Nail polish!
  • Clear top coat
  • Imagination

Step one: The most important!
  • Clean your nails. I know it is tempting just to paint over old nail polish, and to hid all the dirt that finds its way under, but it is really important to remove old nail polish. I love to paint my nails, and sometimes I don't have tome to sit there and take off the old colour before I put the new one on, so one day I just didn't. I thought to myself (What a wonderful world) why not just go over it, so I did. Low and behold, after weeks of doing this, I take the nail polish off completely, and my entire top end of my nail has gone a nasty yellow.
  • Just do it, save you the stain.
Left hand, before filing.
Notice that my nails are all out of whack, some are longer than others, they are uneven and chipped.

Step two:

  • File and buff. I hate it when one nail is longer than the other, so I try my best to even them all out.
  • In order to ensure that the nail polish is going to last (Not chip) for at least three days, I like to lightly buff the front of the nail. This roughens the surface and gives the nail polish something to grip onto.
Filed and Buffed, finally.

Step three:

  • Apply that first coat. In my case I am applying Lilly White, from the Ultra3 range; this polish is thick and goes on nicely. I find it best to apply a very thin coat at first, this gives a faster drying time, and it tends to set faster.
  • Wait for the first coat to dry completely before applying the second.
  • Don't worry if the first coat is a bit translucent, the second will cover that.
  • And also, once it is all done, I would normally use a pair id small scissors to scrape around the edges, because I can never put it on right. #FakeItTillYouMakeIt

Step four:

  • Once you have applied as many coats as necessary, you can add another colour like I have, or just go ahead and add the top coat. I have used Maybelline's Colour Show, in Coral Crush 190.

Step five:
  • Add the top coat. I would highly recommend using a clear nail enamel, just so the colour is not tinted. And nail enamels are stronger and more durable then ordinary clear nail polish. I have gone over my nails with the BYS clear nail enamel.

So there you go, five easy steps to achieve fashionable nails!

Comment and let me know how you went!


Before bed musts!

There are many before bed rituals that I have and have had in the past, but there are just some that could never be missed.
Here are some of the things that I do before I put my head to the pillow. Enjoy.
I have always loved the smell of burnt matches, when I was  kid I would steal them from the cupboard and just light each one until there were none left. I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten into trouble for that.
However lighting matches and watching them burn in your hands can be good for a little while, but there are other things that need to be done in the short time I have before bed. So I slowly but surely resorted to lighting candles, first just one, and then as time went by, another. And before you know it I have at least eight lit in my room before I go to sleep. (Just a disclaimer: It is very unsafe to sleep with candles lit, make sure you blow them out before you close your eyes.)

While I let my room be filled with the beautiful smell of fire, I do al the usual, brushing teeth, washing face, and getting changed. But just before I hop into bed I like to make sure I have cleaned up the mess from the day. (Maybe one day I will show you the horrors that is my bedroom after a busy day.)
Lastly, when I am under the covers and the stress of the day seems to slowly disappear, I open my Bible to what ever it is I might be reading at the time, and I just immerse myself in the word of God for a little while.
It is so important that we remember to keep God as an essential part of out lives, we can so easily forget that his word and his presence are the things we need to survive. I know for a fact that I struggle with stress and day to day life, and it is easy to just get home and want to forget about it all; just close your eyes and go to sleep. 
But God is here for us, never to make the stresses of the day seem heavier, or more difficult; but to make the burden lighter.  
Try it for yourself, weather or not you believe in Jesus or not, just take a few minuets before you go to sleep. You might be pleasantly surprised on what you might find.
Comment and tell me what you think!
Blue. <3

Sunday 7 September 2014

Good morning

Some days you just don't want to get out of bed. Today is that kind of day!
I'm meant to be on a bus in 30 minutes but I continue to convince myself I have enough time to get ready.


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Saturday 6 September 2014

Sunday 7th Of September

Hints and tips for being sick on a beautiful day:
Beautiful Adelaide Weather

If you live is Adelaide you would have noticed the lack of rain and clouds, you would have seen the sun and said to yourselves, "What a nice day." But if you are anything like me at the moment you would have coughed loudly with a nice deep pig noise and said, "I'm too sick to do anything."

We are not all blessed with a fabulous immune system that never lets us down (like my sister), so most of us have to brave the 'wonderful' world of cold and flu.
Today, and for the past week and a half I have had a mixture of head cold and virus. with a stuffy nose and constant croaky voice.

I just wish it wasn't such a beautiful day outside, then I would not feel so bad about being sick and stuck in my room. If only there some things that I could do inside.

  •  I could always do that assignment, I just know I would feel better if I got it out of the way.
But its such a beautiful day, I can't waste it.

  • Just because my nose is running doesn't mean I can't clean up a bit. It would definitely improve my mood if the space I am in is clean, don't you think?
However exhausting  myself with the complicated duties of folding my clothes would mean I would stay sick for longer. I can't have that, I have a life to live!

  • In all honesty there is nothing to do!
I tell myself as an excuse so I can internet surf all day.
There must be something to do.


As bored as you might get being stuck inside all day because of the cold and or the flu, remember that it really is important to rest. but at the same time try not to dwell on

that too much, our brains are still up and running even if our bodies aren't.
Try some reading, or even spend some quality time with God while you are off your feet, your never too sick for that.

To all you sick people out there,
Get well! Be blessed!
And don't waste precious time :)


Are you excited?! I know I am! :)


Hello, world. :)