Thursday 11 September 2014

Book Review: Three books and their movies

Am I the only person who will always read a book before I watch the movie? I guess I just like to know what happens before everyone else does. There are some that get it spot on, but there are some movies that just do it wrong. In today's blog I give just three of the books that I have read that have a movie along-side them. Some are good, some are great, and some tear hearts out. I will let you be the decider.

 (There are no spoilers, if you were worried.)


#1 The Fault in Our Stars

I read this book before I watched the movie (as I have will all the others, and as I will do for any future ones. :) ) And I would have to say that there would not be much to criticise about it. It has love and loss, it has humour and despair. To be honest, I cried so much that I had to put the book down several times. But that is no surprise to anyone who has also read the book.

If you are planning to read this book, either because you watched the movie or because you want to watch the movie; I would definitely set aside a few hours to just sit and read the entire thing. Trust me, having to wait will kill you. I read the book in one sitting, only venturing out into reality when I desperately needed to pee.

 Compared to the movie, I would say that it was done very well. There were not too many plot changes, and they kept with the character attributes for most if not all of the characters.

 I would rate the book a 8/10.
And the movie, equally 8/10, because I thought they followed it very well.


#2 Life of Pi
Now, this book would have to be one of my all-time favourite books, mainly because it is different. There are no love stories, there are no overly soapy dramas, and the nature of the writing is raw, which is something rare these days. I think I like this book so much because I am sick to death of unrealistic drama. You know, like soap operas, and teen magazines, if I am going to read or watch something I want to be able to relate to it or for it to be so out there that I can only imagine. All the try hard drama just annoys me (now I'm ranting, I blame you).

 As for the movie, I can honestly say that if I had not read the book I would have liked it a whole lot more. The thing that got me was how they left out some of the more outrageous plots, in order to make the story more believable. But it just took the fun out. And because I knew about it, I could not focus on what the movie was trying to portray.

I would recommend, if you are an avid reader, like myself, then read the book and don’t watch the movie. However if you enjoy movies and can't stand the sight of paper, then just watch the movie. Or do both and spend an hour yelling at a TV screen, "But what about the carnivorous island!!!"

(Okay I lied, just the one spoiler.)

 I give the book a 9/10
And the movie a 7/10, Only because I read the book first. :)


#3 I Am Number Four

 So, I think I have a massive bias for this book. In high school I did a book review and study on it, therefore I read the book three times, I basically know it backwards. And not to mention I have read it twice since then. (would you say I'm obsessed?)

I think you should probably know that I am pretty geeky, when I am not worrying about my hair and make-up, I have my face glued to a screen of Doctor who, or Sherlock. And in my spare time I dabble in the world of XBOX and PlayStation. So this Syfi themed book was the perfect reality escaper for me.

 (Time for the ranting) BUT, the movie broke my heart! If only you all could have seen my face when they did it, (those of you who have read and watched know what I am talking about) it goes against all plot lines and… just everything. Ill change the topic, it too must to bare. I need more time.

I think because I spent so much time engrossed by my own images of the characters, that when I saw the movie portrayed version, I freaked out a little.

But on a whole, the move was your average alien invasion style drama.

I would give the book a 9/10 (If you're looking for a non-bias rating, this is the wrong blog.)
The movie, a 6/10. You know why.

Thanks so must for investing your time into my post.
Hope you have all the adventures you desire, through the means for a good book!

Comment and let me know what you think of the books. Do you have any other Book and Movie reviews you would like to see?

All the best.

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